Left you hanging for a bit there, huh? The census continues once more. This post focuses on some miscellany related to previous observations, and some personal interests.
Personal Interests
Firstly, as the ultimate expression of personal interest, here are some stats on a search I run to grab characters relevant to my interests: characters who are presumably nonhuman, who are presumably interested in humans, who also share interest in certain gender pairings, and also aren’t permasubs. There are a handful of weird logic tricks I use to achieve this that are only possible by writing my own search query.
No chart this time, it’s genuinely not worth the effort to format the data and design the chart and it’s probably only interesting to me alone.
Relevant Profiles (by last online time)
- All time: 107,410
- ≧365 days: 76,410
- ≧182 days: 70,760
- ≧90 days: 65,830
- ≧30 days: 58,960
- ≧14 days: 54,360
- ≧7 days: 49,850
- ≧3 days: 44,640
- ≧1 day: 36,520
Of course, there are some false positives here and there due to people just giving bad data, some human profiles use unrelated words as a species name, but if you ever have any doubts about your niche, or think that you just can’t succeed while playing the sort of characters you like, getting some hard data on popularity might help to change your perspective.
Me? It just means I should probably be approaching my 400 bookmarked profiles when I’ve got a decent chance… and my most recent/consistent partners are mostly permasubs, so maybe I should start looking at submissives more often.
Here’s some data on character ages. 130 has been chosen as the maximum “human” age since it’s a neat round number and it’s just barely older than the oldest known human (122). Age ranges are broken up kinda arbitrarily (but also, 18 through 30 is an absolutely massive chunk of the site’s population, so it’s more interesting to show those values individually.)
Profiles Created
Datum | Value |
Total profiles (0 through 130) | 573,700 |
Total profiles (0 through 17) | 80,150 |
Average Age (0 through 17) | 15.13 |
Average Age (0 through 80) | 23.84 |
Average Age (0 through 130) | 25.00 |
Average Age (18 through 80) | 25.62 |
Average Age (18 through 130) | 26.94 |
The average age for wider ranges is not calculated because I did not collect per-year data for any age above 130.
Age Range | Count | Age Range | Count |
0 to 9 | 13,550 | 111 to 120 | 1,750 |
10 to 12 | 15,170 | 121 to 130 | 1,750 |
13 to 15 | 20,360 | 131 to 200 | 5,460 |
16 | 16,610 | 201 to 300 | 5,680 |
17 | 14,450 | 301 to 400 | 3,450 |
18 | 58,000 | 401 to 500 | 2,590 |
19 | 46,960 | 501 to 600 | 1,590 |
20 | 37,320 | 601 to 700 | 1,430 |
21 | 35,750 | 701 to 800 | 1,070 |
22 | 35,380 | 801 to 900 | 790 |
23 | 33,690 | 901 to 1,000 | 1,860 |
24 | 32,480 | 1,001 to 2,000 | 3,950 |
25 | 33,010 | 2,001 to 3,000 | 2,290 |
26 | 23,230 | 3,001 to 4,000 | 1,180 |
27 | 19,250 | 4,001 to 5,000 | 870 |
28 | 19,510 | 5,001 to 6,000 | 610 |
29 | 10,930 | 6,001 to 7,000 | 390 |
30 | 14,540 | 7,001 to 8,000 | 280 |
31 to 40 | 57,280 | 8,001 to 9,000 | 290 |
41 to 50 | 19,200 | 9,001 to 10,000 | 980 |
51 to 60 | 5,350 | 10,001 to 0.1 mil. | 2,070 |
61 to 70 | 2,450 | 0.1 mil. to 1 mil. | 600 |
71 to 80 | 1,670 | 1 mil. to 1 bil. | 950 |
81 to 90 | 1,300 | 1 bil. to 1 tril. | 240 |
91 to 100 | 1,650 | 1 tril. to 1 quad. | 11 [sic] |
101 to 110 | 1,300 | -1 quad. to -1 | 6 [sic] |
Accounting for the superhuman age ranges, it’s likely that, for every 15 profiles with a specific age value, 2 of them present as underaged. Of course, there will be some nonhuman characters on both sides who throw the values off (a feral dog being 6 isn’t unusual, a little dragon girl being 4,000 isn’t unusual). Beyond that… wow, look at all those lonely geriatrics (and centennial elves, I guess.)
If you were to age infinitely and buy yourself a birthday cake with individual candles each year, at what point would it be more economical to just buy a candle factory? Somebody please do the math and get back to me on this one. Also, does having a negative age count as being underaged?
Kink Popularity
What about age-related kinks? It’s a small enough category, might as well see what people are into. Here’s a chart for various age-related kinks, as well kinks from other categories that regularly coincide.
Several of the custom kinks return less than one page of results. With a few outliers, people interested in the overlap between “loli” and “shota” characters consistently use the hyphenated “shota-loli”/“loli-shota” terms.
Note that the “custom kink” entries only show approvals (or unrelated fave/yes custom kinks that mention the associated terms) due to how the character search functions. It is impossible to search for custom kinks on the basis of disapproval, and some disapprovals might slip in due to custom kinks in fave/yes mentioning a distaste for these terms (“I’m not a lolicon” will show up in search results for “lolicon” if it’s inside a fave/yes kink.)
Some observations:
- Age Differences (between adults) and Older Characters are the only age-related kinks to not be significantly controversial. (3.8% “no” and 5.2% “no” respectively.)
- Underaged characters enjoy a 40% approval rate, but also a 43% “no” rate.
- Ageplay itself has a 54% approval rate, and a 28% “no” rate.
- Characters 0 to 17 have an 8.1% “no” rate for other underaged characters, for characters outside that range (including no age) it’s 45.7%.
- Characters 0 to 17 have a 3.9% “no” rate for ageplay, for characters outside that range it’s 30.7%.
- Do people consider the “Ageplay” kink to be broader than the description suggests? “Age Differences” is comparatively recent, that’s a 2017 kink, while Ageplay and Underaged Characters predate the entire F-List wiki, so I could see Ageplay with no Underaged Characters reflecting that kind of interest.
- Of all characters who approve of Ageplay but not Underaged Characters, and have an opinion on Age Differences, they give it a 92.5% approval rate.
- Is anybody surprised that diapers have a 75.9% “no” rate?
- Curiously, the popularity relationship between masculinity and femininity seems to be reversed when comparing “loli” to “shota”?
- There are 136,080 profiles that approve of both males and underaged characters, though this doesn’t necessarily mean they like both at the same time.
- There are 157,140 profiles that approve of both females and underaged characters, though this doesn’t necessarily mean they like both at the same time.
- Maybe a lot of the custom kink search results are just loli and shota profiles labeling themselves?
- There are 29,530 profiles that are male and specify a range between 0 and 17.
- There are 41,060 profiles that are female and specify a range between 0 and 17.
- There are 6,880 profiles that have “shota” in the description.
- There are 7,020 profiles that have “loli” in the description.
- Maybe “shota” is getting mentioned in custom kinks not because of approval, but to call out what is effectively an underaged “hi miss”.
- In terms of private channels, “shota”-themed channels have many more members than “loli”-themed ones.
- I genuinely can’t know for sure, but from my limited data, it does look like shotas are the one character archetype to enjoy more popularity than their feminine counterpart. They might have fewer profiles, however.
GMing / Storytelling / Settings
Now here’s another personal interest of mine: how many profiles seek “storyteller” play, and how many are willing to offer it? Historically I’ve gotten a bit of attention from people vying for this exact thing, though I myself hate running rampant NPC sex-fests for random ingrates who think “/roll 1d20” is peak roleplay. I’ll admit that I’ve written a chatbot for the express purpose of enabling oracle crap and providing a better dice parser.
I’m down to do this stuff from time to time… but F-List randoms don’t do much to make it sound like an appealing prospect.
- World of Warcraft in particular has a strong disapproval rate, though there aren’t any other setting/MMO-related kinks to really compare it to.
- There’s a Moogles kink which is also wildly unpopular compared to other kinks in the same category, but no Final Fantasy, Final Fantasy XI, or Final Fantasy XIV kinks.
- I’d like to think the “no” votes put towards WoW and Moogles are probably disinterest rather than revulsion.
- There’s a Final Fantasy XIV contact field, but it isn’t searchable so I can’t use it to gather data.
- There’s a Moogles kink which is also wildly unpopular compared to other kinks in the same category, but no Final Fantasy, Final Fantasy XI, or Final Fantasy XIV kinks.
- Some of Cyberpunk’s popularity may either be due to the anime, or because it can be conflated with a much wider genre.
- Nonsexual roleplay enjoys a pretty good chunk of approval, but also a 12.7% “no” rate. Makes sense, people are on F-List for typefuck.
- People are generally selfish and would prefer to be GMed, rather than do it for somebody else.
- World of Darkness’s relative popularity is interesting.
- The next time you see a joke along the lines of “Which CoC are they talking about?”, you can rest assured that, 90.4% of the time, it’s Corruption of Champions.
- Have you tried not playing D&D?