Pet Projects

Mid-year F-List Census: Gender

This is a collection of various charts relating to F-List demographics, with a particular focus on gender and species.

This post discusses F-List genders using the canonical terms. Click here if you prefer the names “purple” and “green”.


Figures are gathered by searching for public profiles, noting the number of pages, and then multiplying that value by 10.
It is technically possible for the final page in a search to have fewer than 10 results (10 pages might be 91 profiles), but for the majority of statistics this difference isn’t terribly significant.
If a profile sets itself to private, its existence can’t be accounted for, since it won’t show up in searches. Maybe there’s a secret undead moogle cabal hanging out somewhere on F-Chat. (We can call it the ill-Moogle-nati.)

Except where otherwise stated, the popularity of a gender or of the human species is measured by kink list entries, not orientation or furry preference. The reasons for this are many.

However, this is not without downsides.

In cases where a kink is judged on approval, and the data does not include the fave/yes/maybe/no separation, approval is understood as either fave or yes.

None of the above cases are broad approval, so for simplicity, “maybe” is rolled up with “no”.


Profiles Created


Kink Popularity

0100,000200,000300,000400,000Numbercuntboysfemaleshermaphroditesmale-hermsmalesnonbinaryshemalestrans femalestrans malestransgenderGender69720379550189890587903257203889021753056730855103612013808022997019641012693021936011549020124010444020206094710114800586001005501087507464066130894904546010717053930202000589301142201773808647044590109870497309042057630favoriteyesmaybenoPreference

Gender-Gender Popularity Heatmap

4383624180656565626042815138725153525050318369368456746459505586755279838389927649969549636087756957796978899371686669737459637195696663697360907457798074777672319476264952877267444383624180656565626042815138725153525050318369368456746459505586755279838389927649969549636087756957796978899371686669737459637195696663697360907457798074777672319476264952877267442696Approval %cuntboyfemalehermaphroditemalemale-hermnonbinaryshemaletrans femaletrans maletransgenderPreference(unselected)cunt-boyfemalehermmalemale-hermnoneshemaletransgenderProfile

This is the most complex any of these charts will get. No API is exposed for these searches, so it’s not practical to compare every species to every species kink.

Gender Observations